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I Forgot to Write

3 min read

This is a story about aide-memoires...

Car park space

My brain should be wrecked from all the punishment I've inflicted upon it, but somehow I'm still capable and competent at my job; somehow I seem to be able to pretend to be normal and live an ordinary life.

It seems reasonable to presume that I should be unstable, impulsive, forgetful, illogical and lacking capacity. It seems reasonable to expect that I would be unable to productively contribute to society, play by its rules and create anything of tangible value.

It has been immensely useful to me to have a collection of visual cues, which constantly refresh my memory about where I was and what I was doing on any given day. My life became so chaotic that I sometimes have to use the gaps in my photo archives to know when I was truly lost in the fog of addiction, but those gaps are relatively few and far in-between. Having written almost every day for over 3 years is incredibly stabilising, even if I can't remember most of what I've written. However, when I read my list of approximately 800 blog post titles, it helps me recall what I was writing about on that day.

Today, I forgot to write.

I started watching a TV show I've been very much enjoying - Last Chance Lawyer NYC - and I promptly forgot that I needed to write. I soon remembered, but I decided not to interrupt my viewing to stop and write. I spoke to a friend on the phone. I exchanged messages with a few people. Then, BOOM! It's nearly 10pm and I'm hurriedly bashing out words, in order to sustain my routine.

I'm feeling very pleased with myself at the moment. My colleagues missed me and I haven't [yet] lost my job. I'm inching my way forward with my debts. I'm well rested.

My life is missing friends and intimacy, but I'm coping. I made it through a really ridiculously tough patch and reached my much-anticipated milestone of having a proper holiday, as a reward for the pain and suffering it's taken to get this far. I don't feel like complaining about anything. I don't feel very depressed or suicidal. I don't feel very anxious or stressed. I'm not even very bored.

Because I've got my detailed written record - replete with photographs - of everything that's happened over the past few years, I'm well able to recall how dreadful I felt back in January, for example, when I was stressed out of my mind, tired, lonely and unbelievably bored.

Despite all the off-piste craziness, especially with amnesic medications like Xanax, I have a pretty photographic recollection of everything that's happened, which I desperately need as a kind of road-map to help me avoid repeating past mistakes.

I don't feel like writing, but I do it anyway, because the routine is helping me a lot.

I forgot to write, but I'm writing anyway.

