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One Data Point

2 min read

This is a story about extrapolation...

Correct One Data Point Trends

I just met two social workers who I had never met before, therefore they had no reference point, from which to extrapolate.

They've gone now.

I'd like to get back in contact with you, friend, soonish. I'd like to stay in regularish contact. It's important that I do. It's been too long. Also, I have too few people who I see on any kind of regular basis.

Too unwell to even know what help to ask for. How ironic.

I have started improving again, since 12:10pm.

Unless you've been nearly dead (multiple times), nearly in prison, nearly on a mental health section (multiple times), nearly bankrupt (multiple times) and nearly totally alone, it's a bit hard to imagine what all the fuss is about. Personally, I've stopped believing I exist, because it's too statistically implausible. I'm assuming I'm make-believe, like the tooth fairy or unicorns, because my reality doesn't sound very real.

I'm going to try again to sleep. I totally screwed up the whole of yesterday and last night, because of something I decided wasn't important, that later turned out to be. My hand slipped. It was a 50:50 chance, but instead of one or the other it was limbo. Slipped through the crack.

How do you morally judge an actual good act, when chance results in a bad intention? I did the bad act that I intended, fixed the original good, and now I have good intentions, all the way to hell.

It's too difficult for a non-existant person to figure out. I'm going to try and go to sleep and see if I feel more real tomorrow.

I've got a couple of people who care whether I'm still breathing, so don't worry. Would be good if you could be there for me in some small way soon though. It's a long road.

