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The Narcissistic Commerce of Writing

8 min read

This is a story about not reading enough...


Writers don't really want any more writers. Writers want more readers. You could write a brilliant book and find that hardly anybody wants to read it, let alone pay for it. I'm not writing a brilliant book. I'm churning out words into the ether. I'm not writing for self-aggrandisement. I'm writing because my self-esteem has collapsed and I'm suicidal.

If I wanted to get rich from writing, I would write a "How to be a Better Writer" book, or I would run a creative writing course. Far more people want to be writers than there are paying readers to support their ambitions.

We all want to be heard above the roaring waves in the sea of digital noise. This modern world is isolating, and it's also disheartening when everything you do is compared against a global benchmark. If you microblog on Twitter, why don't you have millions of followers? If you've written something, why isn't it a bestseller? If you founded a little tech startup, why isn't it valued at a billion dollars?

What's the difference between one blogger's Wordpress site and another's? Now that we're all competing on the same level playing field - the self-publishing revolution that is the Internet - isn't it clearer than ever that the differences between human beings are marginal? I find it just as interesting reading a mommyblog as I do reading whatever is flavour of the month. In fact, I find the mommyblogs far more interesting than the pretentious wank pedalled elsewhere in the interests of clickbait.

A clique of established writers tell me I don't have anything interesting or high value to say. Whenever I read articles about National Novel Writing Month or other writing festivals, the message is the same: your writing is boring, low quality, narcissistic and you shouldn't bother. In other words, clear off and make room for the established players.

Well, guess what? Tough titties.

I need writing and the community of people writing for non-commercial reasons. I don't need to support people who've already achieved the thing that we all dream about doing: a job that we love.

For sure, writing and the other creative arts are not a hobby. We need entertainers. We need people who are brave enough to share. To try and establish some pecking order and say that lesser mortals should keep their mouths shut and not share their content, is elitist in a way that I despise.

I was saddened to read about how much trouble The Guardian and The Observer are in, especially in light of the fact that they're newspapers that are supported by trust money, not by media moguls. The Guardian broke the Edward Snowden whistleblowing, and had GCHQ jumping all over them for their trouble. Press freedom is important, and the colonisation of journalism by advertising revenue hungry organisations, churning out human interest clickbait, is to the detriment of all of us.

I lament the death of the novel, as we increasingly consume what we read in bite-size chunks that we 'pay' for with our eyeballs, thanks to the rise and rise of the Facebook news feed as the vast consumer of our spare time. However, to attack budding writers, and to effectively picket them and call them 'scabs' for writing free content, is not going to fight the rising tide. It's inevitable that our reading habits will change forever. The idea of paying for a printed novel is all but dead except for those who have a paper fetish and like to advertise their pseudo-intellectualism by having large bookcases.

I note that I passed 400,000 words and 1 year of blogging without even noticing. The supposed discipline and difficulty of overcoming writer's block is largely overstated. It's true that my writing is very lightly edited, but actually if you go back and read what I've written a few days later, you will see that I have been making myriad edits, corrections, revisions, improvements. But, in this content-rich era, who has the time to read anything once, let alone twice?

Some friends derive a great deal of pleasure from reading their favourite books again and again. Those books must have been pored over by their authors, and certainly they are great works of fiction. However, just as we once bought a few high quality garments made by skilled clothes-makers, now we live in the era of fast fashion, where we now buy many cheap things to wear, that are quickly worn out and thrown away.

Whether it's wood pulp and ink, or cotton and dye, to waste those things is not sustainable on a planet of finite resources. However, the Internet is not running out of bytes. There's nothing wrong with churning out page upon page of writing, which may catch the eye of one of the billions of readers. Even if it's just some linguistics algorithm at Google that slightly improves its natural language parsing ability, by processing my words, then it hasn't been a fruitless exercise.

I don't think people are reading less. I just think they're reading fewer books. I certainly think that people are turned off by the endless intellectual masturbation of the elites.

If there's a shortage, it's not a shortage of readers. I think there's a shortage of candid tales written by people who are brave enough to actually write the things that nobody had dared to say, or had previously been allowed to publish.

No matter what government stats say, there are undoubtedly painful societal changes afoot. There is so much contradictory data. How can quality of life be increasing and the amount of people with clinical depression also be increasing? How can we be so amazingly interconnected by technology and we feel so lonely and isolated?

Writing has changed. Instead of writing a book, publishing it, and sitting back to enjoy praise and admiration, writing has now become a conversation. Interactions and discussions have replaced lectures and speeches.

Sure, I'd like to see micropayments succeed, to replace the ad-revenue driven model that's mostly hoovered up by Google & Facebook, so that my favourite writers can continue to pay their bills.

However, just as the 15-hour working week has been predicted for a long time, writing and other creative arts are going to feel the pinch first. There are a virtually unlimited number of people who would rather be writers than picking vegetables in the fields, or flipping burgers.

To call aspiring writers narcissistic, self-aggrandising spammers, is breathtakingly insulting. In a way, I'm an intellectual migrant, seeking asylum from the warzone of wage slavery. In a way, every 'successful' writer who tells me that I should stop writing, or mocks my work as low quality, is the same as somebody who says "bloody immigrants, coming over here, taking our jobs".

You're damn straight I want to be a penniless writer. I want to smoke a pipe and wear a tweed jacket with leather patches on the elbows. Have you tried the working world? It's fucking awful. I've worked harder than you, and that's why I'm prepared to work for 'nothing'... because it's a damnsight more rewarding than the crap I've been doing for my whole career.

You know what? People who have been having a tough time have reached out to me, and shared their stories. I would never betray their confidence, but people have confided their stories about depression, suicide, alcoholism, addiction and becoming jaded and disillusioned with wage slavery.

I read an article saying how hard it is being a struggling artist in London, and the only comments on social media were "get a proper job" and "art is just a hobby". While I disagree that art and entertainment are valueless, I do think that those who are upset about how their novelist ambitions are being thwarted should try writing something that is actually relatable.

Of course it's naïve as hell and a cliché to say "if my writing helps one person who is going through a tough time, it will have been worth it" but guess what? I think it already has. A number of private discussions have confirmed that there are plenty of people out there, lurking quietly, feeling like nobody understands what they're going through, feeling like they're the only one who's going through what they're going through.

When I was struggling with mental health issues, suicidal thoughts, addiction, alcoholism and a lack of employment opportunities that were in line with my values and needs, I found a few books and blogs that helped me immensely. I gratefully hoovered up the words that few brave people had shared, and I felt less alone.

I don't want to pat myself on the back. I'm not declaring what I've done to be a success. I'm not saying I've saved lives or anything else so self-congratulatory.

All I'm saying is that if you want the mommybloggers and every other wannabe writer out there to shut up, to make more room for your pretentious crap, then it's you who should shut up, because like you say... there are already more than enough good novels out there.

