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Wage Slave

5 min read

This is a story about paying bills and suffering...


How do you explain to a doctor who's just met you, that you need to go to work because you've got rent and bills to pay - your ex-flatmate owes you thousands of pounds and left you having to pay for everything on your own - and you've got debts to service, friends who lent you money who need to be repaid and a looming tax bill that will be a whopping great big lump of cash that you've got to magic into existence before July.

How do you explain that depression and the Xmas and New Year break meant I couldn't work for months on end, and when my bipolar disorder causes an episode of hypomania, I'm liable to march into boardrooms and call all the executives a bunch of cunts... which you can get away with once or twice, but eventually you're politely asked to fuck the fuck off and never come back. How do you explain that I'm good for about 5 or 6 months of hyper-productivity each year, and the rest is a fucked up mess.

How do you explain that the whole process of speaking to a zillion agents, doing a zillion technical tests, having a zillion phone screening interviews and then going to a bunch of face to face interviews, with the associated highs and lows of contract offers and disappointments, being totally unpredictable and completely out of my control. How do you explain that it fucks with my mental health and makes me want to fucking kill myself, to have to go through that shit when I know I can do the job blindfolded with my hands tied behind my back.

How do you explain that the medical advice to not take any chances - belt and braces; assume the worst - would mean losing a contract that I was relieved to get and looking forward to starting. How do you explain that to lose that job would decimate my already dangerously suicidal mental health. How do you explain that I don't need much of an excuse to press the "FUCK IT" button and chuck in the towel. How do you explain that I've got a gun to my head and an itchy trigger finger.

How do you explain that I'm quite comfortable with a certain amount of death risk. How do you explain that I'm quite happy to balance risks against each other; weigh the pros and cons; make an informed decision, rather than just choosing the least risk option.

How do you explain that my life is not about least risk.

If I was about least risk, I'd have a permanent job where they'd give me as much time off as I need to get my health sorted. If I was about least risk, I wouldn't be living my life the way I live it: on the edge. I'd be living some life of boring mediocrity, safely within the white lines. I'd be kind of dead. Sure I'd be technically alive, but I would be dead inside. Boring mediocrity is the worst kind of death imaginable.

Be brave. Take some risks. Hold out for what you want. Don't blink first. Never back down.

It's fucking insane that I had my first day at work today and it went well, when a couple of weeks ago, I was convinced that everything was fucked and I was totally doomed. The only thing that didn't get fixed was my original injury - whatever mysterious shit happened to my dodgy left leg.

I've done my hearts & minds bit; I've done my shock & awe; I've made my good first impressions. Now I'm some way of the way to being able to say "erm, sorry, I might need a day off to get XYZ fixed up in hospital". Before today, I was an unknown quantity. The longer I'm in work doing a good job, the more goodwill I build up, and the more likely people are to be cool about me having to duck out for personal reasons, especially medical shit.

Anyway... my leg hurts like fuck even though I'm drugged out of my mind on tramadol, but working helped take my mind off the pain. I'm going to work and work and work. I need the money and it helps my mental health. Fuck boring risk-free life. Fuck compromise and going for the safe option. Fuck getting dicked over, because the whole working world is designed to break your will and make you feel valueless and replaceable, and get you to accept shit money and having to work for 48 weeks of the year. Screw that.

Do I want different special treatment? Nope. Things are just the way they are and there's nothing I can do about it. I can't pretend I don't have depression and hypomania and a real intolerance of getting an unfair share of the cash, versus the value I create for my employer. I can't pretend like my health doesn't need a bunch of time off work that doesn't fit in the 20 or 25 days holiday allowance wage slave bullshit. I can't pretend like earning my money in bursts, rather than some dreadful slow drip drip drip of relentless never-ending bullshit full-time employment. Work is a four-letter swearword. I'm allergic to boring work.

So arrogant, I know. So insane. So needlessly risky, right? Sorry.

